Surf Beyond His Dreams

This site is for anyone who is lost in the love of surfing and dreams of one day becoming part of surfing history or simply leaving a mark of their existence in the sea. Whether you’re searching for the perfect surf spot or embracing the surf lifestyle, this place is made for you

If you’re looking to dive into surfing and the wonders of ocean you’re in the right place

Hello, my name is Mehdi Harrar, and I am from Rabat, Morocco, where I was born in 1999. Passionate about surfing and web development, this blog is my space to share my personal story and surfing goals. I have chosen to write it traditionally, without AI, except for translations, as learning English is one of the challenges I have set through this project. If you are passionate about surfing, waves, or looking for secret spots, you are in the right place!

Surf My Dreams: Goals to Ride the Waves of Life

My journey and dreams in surf, along with my goals to make them a reality

In this blog, I will share who I am, my journey as a surfer, and the dreams I hope to achieve one day, God willing.
It will be a long adventure, so let’s cherish this journey minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day.
This blog will mark the beginning of a legend in the making.

Secret Surf Spots and Dream Waves

I will also talk about the secret spots I have personally discovered, as well as others I’ve heard about.
As a Moroccan, I will introduce you to the best surf spots in Morocco, but don’t worry, I will also cover international spots.
My goal is to make this blog the go-to reference for all surf-related information.
If you’re a fan of dream surf spots, you’re in the right place.

Dream and danger are two different things

Dreams are good but we must not forget that surfing is dangerous sport.
So i will also talk about dangers and about surfers who tragically died .
My goal is also to demonstrate to people the danger of these oceans.

The World of Surfing and dream Waves

I will give all my heart and soul to this blog, and I hope you’ll join me in this journey. Together, let’s write this story. Let’s not forget that life is unique and precious.


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